Created by a sports industry professional with a passion for positive psychology, Positive Sports Education (PSE) is a program that equips sports coaches, P. E. instructors, and parents to teach well-being skills to school-aged children through sports.
We developed the strategy and created an identity that displays and encourages active positivity to both children and coaches. Both the visual and verbal identity of the brand work together to champion a hopeful and strong disposition in life, reflected through sports.
John Borras Tan Brand Strategy, Visual Identity, Graphic Design
Work done with Together We Design Laraine Gazmen Mark Gosingtian Isay Roque
Inspired by PSE’s holistic approach, optimistic disposition, and a good game day, PSE’s logo leaves a positive mark. This symbol complements the brand’s straightforward name and represents PSE’s bright and hopeful nature.
The logo mark is also inspired by flowers. In sports, or in any performative events, we give flowers to the contestants–not only to the winners, but to everyone who participated and passionately displayed all they have. Flowers are not consolation prizes, they’re a reminder that every heartfelt effort is appreciated and a step towards a positive future.
The key visual element for the brand comes from sports lines. These lines can divide, compartmentalise, or highlight information. They can be ambiguous to a certain sport or can look obvious depending on the use case.
PSE Stickers can be used in the most casual way possible. It helps push the brand’s message in different ways without restrictions. It makes the brand more approachable and relatable.